
Showing posts from July, 2023

Surviving Migraine’s

 If you suffer with Migraines I’m here to help you understand and hopefully give you some tips you may find useful. After suffering migraines now for a little over 15 years I have had my fair share of issues when it comes to pain and suffering, I actually suffer from Aura Migraine meaning I unfortunately will go “blind” usually in one eye but it’s not uncommon for it to move into the other eye as well, along with the visual disturbances i can also get left sided weakness numbness tingling, slurred speech brain fog and nausea. There is a common misconception with migraines that they are induced by chocolate or other sweet foods but did you know that craving for something sweet is often the brain trying to repair itself before the attack takes hold, a migraine will start up to 48 hours prior to the head ache, so when you get the pain your actual attack could have started nearly 2 days prior!  There are many reasons people can suffer migraine and it is believed that some people can be tri

Cats & Crystals

I’m a cat lover and crystal lover mix the two together and it’s a good day. Last year I went and got my cute Mr Albus Dumblepaw (Harry Potter fans in this house) he was so chill from the start to be honest but I’m pretty sure I got the weirdest of the litter haha but then you attract the right energies so I can safely say he fits in well.  Meet Albus Dumblepaw.         He will be a year old come August    we got him at 8 weeks old and he hasn’t left my side since, it’s true what they say animals can detect energies, if it’s bad or good, I have seen him hiss at certain people and be all over others. Many people believe cats are mysterious creatures, they are able to see things most people can not, they can astrally project themselves most believe they do this whilst “cat napping” they have a sixth sense and many as did the ancient Egyptians believe they were guardians to the underworld, witch’s were always known to keep cats people would assume they were a servant of that witch, me pers

The Magical thing about herbs…

 Herbs aren’t just for spicing your dinners, you can use them in spell work and all kinds of magical things. I love to burn herbs when I want to cleanse my space, invite health and wealth and in general it’s a practice I just grew to love. I use many herbs, sage being one of  my favourite, thyme,mugwort,mint,Lavender,rose petals,hyssop you name I burn it.  I have a few uses for your cupboard staples so read on if you want to learn more. First Preparation is key . I like to light some candles clear my space choose my crystals and play my music to really clear my head space, when I burn herbs it is to banish or invite, I will repeat in my mind what my intentions are for my herb burning and ask for protection too.  Which herbs should I choose? Here’s some nice herbs you can start with, these are great if you’re a beginner too!  Sage is a nice herb to use smells earthy and can be used to help clear out negative energy, you can cleanse using sage and use it as a way to help connect to the s