
Showing posts from August, 2023

Loosing friends?

 When you are younger you may find yourself with lots of friends, I was never someone that had hundreds of friends I knew lots of people but only held a few people close, either way I would always say “yeah I know so n so she’s my friend”  As I have gotten older I can honestly say those friends are most definitely gone, even the ones I held close!   It’s a sad experience loosing friends especially ones you thought would be life term but sometimes as we grow spiritually we just don’t align any more and the universe works in weird ways to remove people from our paths that just don’t resonate any more. Sometimes when you start calling those “friends” out on their bull, when you make them accountable for their actions they don’t like the way you become a conscience for them so you hang out less and less and before you know it you haven’t heard or seen them in a while. Some of my friends were “drinking buddies” and when you wake up, work on yourself stop the drinking those “friends” no long

When we loose our way…

 Are you on your own spiritual journey and feel a bit lost a bit abandoned even?  I have felt a little like that lately so I needed to really go deep to connect with the other side,   I had a new journey to travel and path to follow and that took every ounce of energy I had to go, I have been on a spiritual path for a long while now and I believe during covid there was a mass awakening of people, it was a beautiful sight to see, so many people were removing those rose tinted glasses and began seeing the real world what a journey that is in itself. As a young girl I always dabbled, I always had an interest in crystals energies spirits but never went too far in to that side of life, I would always find myself collecting rocks that I had found and fancy stones, collecting sand from beaches and keeping it in little bottles, using incense sticks and putting up wind chimes, I had a knowing for it without knowing it. As I got older I knew there was something a little different about me, I did

How to be a calmer person.

You can naturally be a calm person I would consider myself to be a calm person but some people need a little extra help to get there. Coming from a person that felt (notice I said felt and not ‘was’) angry a lot of the time I had to bring myself to a place of peace so I could live without the constant and exhausting angry energy.  One of the biggest things for me was to learn where I was most happy, most comfortable and really reside there and never take in any anger or Ill emotion into that “safe space” that for me was my home, a lot of people ask how do you stay at home and not go mad?  Honestly this is my haven, I can do what I want when I want, I can listen to music I don’t have to conform to anything I can just be myself with my own thoughts and in my own space knowing it’s completely protected from any outside source. I remain very conscious of whom I allow into my personal space too, I worked very hard to make this house a home and a home of calm and peace so I don’t just allow

Can you make yourself Happy?

 Did you know you can actually force yourself to be happy and feel better by doing just a few little things to fool the mind into believing happiness is present? Well you can! I know sometimes people can struggle in every day life, especially now with the state of the world. We can actually use these few tips and tricks to fool our brain into being a happier place to be, now please don't come for me and tell me its impossible to cure depression I know I cant, I cant magically heal a chemical imbalance in the body to make depression go away but what I can do is give you a few tips to help your day go a little easier. Can you use colour to make you happy? You absolutely can use colours to release the happy hormone in the brain called Serotonin, the use of  Yellow helps to induce the happy hormone, buy yourself some sunflowers, wear that yellow t-shirt, paint your nails yellow, get outside and sun gaze (obviously before the height of noon, ideally sungazing is sunrise and sunset) plan

Does slimming world actually work?

what an amazing warm August day, and this is very rare for us here in the UK right now believe me, we have seen nothing but clouds and rain for months now and right in the middle of 'summer' its just down right depressing, but anyway... Slimming or healthy eating does it actually work? Why do people laugh snigger or say it doesn't work? Does it actually work?  well yes it does and I'm here to tell you why. For anyone that knows me knows I have been a 'slimming world' lover for many years now (10 actually) this by the way is not an advertising post nor have I been persuaded to write this I just genuinely believe it works IF you follow and understand the 'plan' I never struggled with weight until I had 3 children and I love them to bits but my god they destroyed my body the little gremlins, I hold weight more easily and being a mere 5ft1 I can not carry weight well so I have to keep myself in check! After my 3rd and final baby I knew it was time to really

Are you an Empath?

 Have you ever wondered why you can walk in to a room and feel sad, or maybe you feel over joyed, a feeling that you wasn't feeling before you entered is now there and your not sure why but you feel it. You tend to attract animals, babies may stare at you, smile at you babble to you out of everyone around, it seems to be you. Can you feel someone's emotions or pain?  don't know how to explain it but I have felt this pain in my side all day since I met up with you this morning and then suddenly that person says yeah well welcome to my world I have had a pain in the same side since yesterday... Sounds weird but its a very real thing. Empathic people can easily tune into the energy around them sometimes without even realising that's what they are doing, if there are a roomful of people and someone is upset we feel it ourselves and we might not even know who it is feeling that way just yet we just feel it. Its not always fun being someone that can bare other peoples feeling

How to be Happy

 Imagine being happy, I mean truly happy! I found the secret to happiness a long time ago after searching for many of years and I suddenly realised so many people are still not happy, now for some their happiness is to live in misery amongst drama nonsense and negativity and hey if that's your happiness that's fine but, my oh my when you let that go and find peace you will wonder why you didn't release it sooner. Anyone that knows me will know how angry I was and not just angry at anyone but anything, everything! it held me back for so long but what I learnt was I wasn't harbouring anger I was just unhealed and didn't know how to heal to set myself free. Speaking negative will only induce the negative to be present in ourselves Everyone has a past and what ever that holds is different for everyone, some better than others some worse than but either way their will always be someone that has work to do to heal from something. You hear so much about breaking Generation