
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Holy Grail - The Rose

 What an amazing week it’s been and as we draw on to the weekend I’m excited, I have had a very strong feeling about this year for 3 years, 2024 was to be the year of revelations for me personally, I was going to discover many things and have a breakthrough I always knew that’s what 2024 would bring, as we approach the half way through the year marker it really has not disappointed, The card I have drawn today is one that I know many people will take from, the message is beautiful, it reminds us and also teaches us. The Holy Grail The Holy Grail is questioned and has been questioned throughout history, I was always confused by it as a child learning Religious studies because so many ideas and beliefs of what or even who The Holy Grail is was told to us, a theory suggested is The Holy Grail was Mother Mary herself, some truly believe it to be a book, others believe it is the chalice Jesus drank from at his last supper and some say it is the chalice that held his blood that was buried wi

Angel Magic

 Happy Wednesday,  It’s been a crazy time recently lots of amazing things happening, lots of unraveling for me personally, how has it been for you? Are you ok? Wanted to share a very personal experience with you today and although this is a personal experience I invite you to feel the warmth and love with me and remind you to be open remain open for your own experiences messages and divine magic to surround you. I have been very connected to angels pretty much my whole life really when I think about it I never questioned them never wondered if they are real I knew from a little girl they are very much real and very much with me. I had a very strong message and guidance some weeks back and I have thought every day about it that in itself I feel is a subject for another post, but long story short I needed an angel statue… Today my angel came she is beautiful, after cleansing her with my Palo santo and my cleansing prayer surrounding her with angel aura and rose quartz, I invoked the ligh

Spiritual journey - open your heart energy

 Did you know sometimes we can block or own path by not operating from our heart's energy?  We are souls made up of an energy force or that is how I like to explain it, we are energy beings having a human experience, when we have our earthly experience we can forget who we are why we are here and what we are supposed to do, we forget  that physical things are just that! Yes we need a place to live clothes to wear but do we really need a 5 bedroom house for just a family of 3 or do we need those jeans at £195 because of the brand name? This our ego self operating and hey I've done it! I've been there and brought the named handbags well one actually because I at the time thought I would “fit in” I actually quickly realised it does the same thing as my £2:50 bargain from primark and I’m happier because I don’t see “things” as important I value myself instead… I am No better than anyone else, I have walked a life full of twists and turns so I would like to share my findings, my

Taking the risk to success

 Today has been an amazing day filled with positive energy, there has been a feeling in the air for me today that I couldn't ignore, after some deep meditation I was pulled to my cards to do a collective reading, I feel that these readings will always get to the people they need to get to, I trust the right people will come and see what they need and so today here's your message from my very beautifully illustrated deck. Today as you can see two cards were drawn together and the message it brings is a huge positive reminder for anyone that has been thinking about the "next step" that could be a new business idea maybe or a trip somewhere, moving abroad? House move or just the next step in your life right now that may feel scary to step into because you “have no plan”  what ever it maybe here is what your cards are saying today... Taking Risks & Success You are asked to begin listening to your own inner voice instead of listening to others around you, you are being