Oracle card reading.

 As of today September 7th 2023 I decided to publish my readings, some may know I am pretty much a sage burning crystal loving tarot reading chill girl that has been embracing my true self for some time now and I feel its time to share my gifts.

I read oracle and tarot cards i feel, see and hear things some find it odd I embrace it.

I will go into detail in another post that will be up soon about the difference between Oracle and The Tarot but for now, let’s just think of the Oracle as the Tarots cousin.

Today i felt the energies were strong and read some cards, I trust the universe will bring the right people to this page and this page will find the right people.

An over whelming feeling today of complete feminine energy and as i drew the cards what i was feeling came through.

Card 1

Cosmic womb - The Devine Feminine

This is showing someone that is really stepping into their power, (i get finding themself again) releasing all the old ways you got stuck in, all the worries you may have had, the things that keep you awake at night, that is all going to be worked out, a feeling of 'why was it that hard' honestly you had to learn a few lessons because you was repeating the same mistake.

Remember to ask your spirit guides for the help because I feel sometimes you feel like your on your own and you really are not, you have a whole army of soldiers fighting for you on the other side you just need to 'ask for help'

Stepping into your new or renewed energy now means you will begin to feel better, you will even see things differently like the 'wool has been puled from your eyes' things you have missed will be right in front of your face now and it will seem so obvious but you just needed to remember who you are! 

Honestly I keep feeling like you lost yourself a little because of a relationship.

Card 2.

Stars In The Sky - Limitless Possibility

This is a truly beautiful card to have, there are many possibilities many paths you could take now and have the confidence to walk which ever you choose, you will get to the end goal which is the same regardless you are just going to experience different things along the way. Many opportunities are coming forward they are opening up to you because as the first card says you are stepping into yourself, you are remembering who you are and whilst you may have been a little lost and blind sighted, you are opening yourself up and flourishing which is why new opportunities are presenting themself, I feel like this is not only work things, but this is a big life change so it could be a move across country like... a big change and because of that even more chances will present itself especially in love, and it will be the right one too, because you learn how to love and respect yourself you will not allow anyone to lower that vibration.

Card 3.

Skywriting - The Fates

This shows you will start to accept your fate, you have to understand you need to accept there are some things you can not change and the power you have to change the things you can you are able you just need to understand the difference.

If you sometimes feel like 'life cant be this hard' it isn't its just hat you are trying to do or change something that you simply can not its not fated for you, change your mindset, 'I  can do that' and it flows smoothly because you are on the right path, if you are trying to do something and you are getting stuck at every turn know this is not for you so step away and look to another direction, it is having the wisdom of understanding there are things you can not change and having the courage to change what you can so in all...

 life is about to start getting even more beautiful, you can use all those hardships as your life's lesson, take from them what you need and leave behind the things you don't, stop carrying that baggage, keep your eyes open for new opportunities and receive them with an open heart, ask for help when you need it because you will be shown the way, stop beating your head up a brick wall if something does not work its ok to walk away from it and find your courage to make the next move.

Big change is here, you're at a cross roads and any path you take will be beautiful ending in the same place anyway just different journeys to enjoy.

That cross country move is a strong feeling, that comes in strong I feel your soul mate will be there waiting for you.

How did you like this reading? 

I trust this finds you and you can take some comfort in this message today.

Yours truly


Follow my instagram page for daily cards and and readings.


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