Tarot card Message

Tarot cards are feared by many, but when you learn how to use them they are a beautiful tool to aid in our life.

They can help clear up situations, provide messages allow healing give guidance, I have always loved the Tarot right from being very young I was always drawn into the “mystical” world of Tarot, crystals and spirit side. 

I drew a card today, a card to give a message to anyone that may need it, take a look 

The 6 of pentacles or coins as some would refer to them as. 

This is a beautiful message, we are being asked to remember our riches being able to share with others that are in need is a blessing. 

Many assume straight away this relates to money, but it’s not, our time, love, friendship and wisdom are all things we can give to someone else in need, sometimes we are just the ear to listen and the shoulder to lean on. 

We must also acknowledge ourself here, remind ourself that some days we have more to give than others, if you are materialistic and own a lot of “things” we are reminded that we actually don’t own anything really, we merely just have it in this life time, we can’t take our “riches” in to the next life so when it really comes down to it what you will keep is your authenticity, your kindness, your spirit will harbour these things so it maybe a time of questioning what is really important, could you be kinder? Can you give a little? 

Think of Karma, what you give, you will receive in turn, if you give kindness and your valued time there will come a time where you will need this back and it will be there at the time you are needing it, so today I hope you resonate with this card, the message behind it I feel many people will benefit from. 

Yours Truly, 

H. x


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