Daily card - White Buffalo Prophecy

Todays card for a collective message is a beautiful one, the card today comes after a few reference's I have been shown today!
This morning I came across a little passage that show's a white buffalo has been born very recently on Native American land, The buffalo is sacred to many native people as the buffalo provided meat to feed the people, the furs were used for clothing and even the bones and horns would all be used for making weapons leaving no waste so the buffalo to the native Americans is of high importance and they have a great respect for such a powerful animal that is sacrificed for the people to be able to survive.

The Lakota clan believe that the prophecy of “the ending of a cycle will be bringing New hope, new beginnings and better times ahead would come” when a white buffalo was born,
It is believed that peace and harmony would be restored, situations that have been difficult conflicts that have been ongoing are able to now to reach a harmonious and peaceful Resolution.
A white buffalo being born also is a sign that your prayers have been heard and are now being answered.
The buffalo signifies Abundance we could all use some of that but the white buffalo Represents the divine feminine energy, this Symbolises purity And nurturing, healing and a strong Earth connection.

Later on in the afternoon I seen again The prophecy of the white buffalo by a completely different person so, imagine my excitement when I asked my guides for a message for the collective and of all the cards in the deck the white buffalo woman comes flying out the deck!

Today, you are reminded that what ever situation you may be in, if there is conflict maybe an uncertain feeling of worry you are being shown that this is something that can come to a peaceful resolution.
You are being shown that this cycle of hardship is coming to an end and will now begin to bring Hope and New beginnings, you are being shown that better days are coming, Your prayers have been heard loud and clear and you will begin to see that they are now being answered
Times of struggle are coming to an end with peace and harmony beginning to be restored.

A white buffalo being born is a good omen!
Today after seeing two different people on two different platforms show that the white buffalo prophecy is
Now coming to reality after a beautiful pure white buffalo has been born on to the lands, to then go ahead and draw this card for a collective message is a strong and powerful connection to my spirit guide today, so to the people that need this message take comfort and be open to receiving your blessings now, enjoy the journey and stay humble of any experiences you have had, life may throw some curve balls feel testing and even unfair sometimes but right now, know the tides are changing, the cycles are coming to end and new beginnings are close by with peace and harmony being  restored.
Remember to joinSage and Magic for more daily cards

Your daily Reading from yours truly

H. X


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