Release the negative to find your peace.

I done a lovely session today with my very much loved and respected oracle deck - positivism to gain some insight for some lovely people today.

Whilst Reading their cards I pulled a card for the collective too.
I Know this message is for a lot of people and whilst its a "common" message their are still so many people that are living life day to day un healed from negative thoughts and beliefs they see themself as and that saddens me.

Take a look at todays card and discover the message from my spirit team and let me help You on the right path of loving and respecting yourself.
   “I release negative thoughts about myself and my life”

I have been reading tarot and oracle now for lets say some years and not only do I take the message of the card I also tune in to feelings I have with the card I look at the art work on them too I may sometimes hear things when pulling cards, some times I see images and I like to look around to see what's around me at that time, for example today I had a very fuzzy chunky bumble bee flying at the window(a bee is said to be a spiritual messenger in many spiritual practices) it’s a positive sign, I also like to take note of the time too, today upon pulling the card it was 15:40 translate that to angel numbers and you get an angel message, a message that asks us to practice "positive thinking" which ties in to this oracle message perfectly here.

The card today asks you to begin releasing the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and the way our life is, negative thoughts may not sound damaging the thoughts are only in our mind but or minds are a powerful thing, we can make our mind believe what we tell it so to being negative about ourself will eventually be damaging to us emotionally and that will begin to manifest in to our daily life as feelings of anxiousness, aces in the body stress and general feelings of being down. 

When we are and see ourself in a negative light we will begin to energetically vibrate lower which will then begin to attract more negative energy, I'm not hear to say we should be positive every day and it’s all love and light, that's not real life but what I'm saying is be kinder to yourself and even kinder in the harder days.
Our heart chakra will become imbalanced when we begin to believe negatively about ourselves causing an imbalance throughout our chakras leading to heavy auras and stagnant vibes.

So how do we fix ourself?
Imagine you wake up and instead of looking at something you don't like look past it and point out something you do like about yourself,
It could be something Simple "I like my eye colour " or "my hair is pretty today"
By doing this every day you will begin to feed yourself with kindness helping to raise your vibration In turn attracting more positive energy this is where we bin to transfer the darker energy into the light.

Today's card shows or I should say asks you to begin releasing these negative thoughts we begun to accept about ourself and  these are words from people that you now wear unknowingly you just at some point began to believe what they were saying or calling you, maybe your parents were verbally abusive or it could have been a friend or a partner we absorb words from people we love and believe them over ourself sometimes, so now as the card shows lets begin cutting the cords of those negative thoughts and beliefs,

Its time to put yourself first, to put kindness, love And respect back into yourself?
When you begin to release that negativity you begin to see the sunlight through the clouds you become the light in the darkness, to be the light you must become it,
Negativity has no place in your mind or body your soul is made of stardust, you were born sparkling so why would you let anyone and your self dull your sparkle?

To help you on your self love and healing journey can I suggest you get yourself some Rose Quartz to aid in this

Reignite your light and when you're shining bright help to ignite others,
Raise our vibrations high, give yourself the respect you deserved this whole time and start believing in you!
For daily oracle card messages join me at Sage and Magic

Lots of love,
H. X


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