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 I love the card drawn today for the collective, ๐’ฏ๐’ฝโ„ฏ โ„’๐’พ๐“ƒโ„ฏ๐’ถ๐‘”โ„ฏ โ„ด๐’ป ๐’ฏ๐’ฝโ„ฏ โ„›โ„ด๐“ˆโ„ฏ We may have been asking and questioning our whys & what’s reasonings for being here on this earth right now, is there a reason I’m here? What’s my purpose for Being here right now?  Why am I here in such a dark time? Witnessing wars, starvation unbelievable events that are earth changing, life changing, and we may wonder why did I have to be here now through all of this?  If you have asked this before and even more recently today I’m here to share the Lineage of The Rose with you.          ๐’ฏ๐’ฝโ„ฏ โ„›โ„ด๐“ˆโ„ฏ ๐’ช๐“‡๐’ถ๐’ธ๐“โ„ฏ~ โ„’๐’พ๐“ƒโ„ฏ๐’ถ๐‘”โ„ฏ โ„ด๐’ป ๐’ฏ๐’ฝโ„ฏ โ„›โ„ด๐“ˆโ„ฏ The beautiful Oracle by Rebecca Campbell is one I use daily and I love to use this deck for the collective as the messages are so beautiful and I have a lovely connection with this deck so much so I brought 2 full size just incase one should ever be damaged and a pocket size to carry, the connection to Mother Rose goes right back through the Ancients and will con

Summer solstice

 Today Marks the beginning of summer with the longest day and shortest night of the year. The day before the strawberry moon. Lots of people will be celebrating today with food festivals, Music and celebration's are you planning on celebrating?  Why do we celebrate the summer solstice ? Spiritually the sunlight is metaphoric of the light shining brightest through the darkness, the illuminating suns energy gives what we planted in the spring the sunlight it needs to bloom and grow and that means in ourselves as well as the fruits and flowers, the summers energy is about patience, seeing what comes to fruition again physically yes but inside ourselves too.  When you celebrate Summer Solstice it’s a way of giving back to the universe, a way of saying Thankyou if you will for warming up the earth, giving us lighter and longer days needed to nourish and replenish.  Many people will go to Stone Henge a place I am still yet to go and excited for, some will light fires going into the eveni

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Have you started working with crystals? Maybe you have loved them for a long time and you want to know more? Or maybe you just enjoy reading about crystals in general, either way have you ever wondered, What are the spiritual Benefits of Rose Quartz?  Rose Quartz, the very first crystal I ever held close to my heart, was a gift from a wise white witch in Cornwall when I was just 9 or 10, I remember the shop the first ever “๐“Œ๐’พ๐“‰๐’ธ๐’ฝ๐“Ž ๐“ˆ๐’ฝโ„ด๐“…”  I had ever stepped inside of and it was like entering a completely different world for me, a world that just ๐“‚๐’ถ๐’นโ„ฏ ๐“ˆโ„ฏ๐“ƒ๐“ˆโ„ฏ. I remember the smell of the Lavender incense and the smell of real polish from the real wood floors, the shop was filled with magic, from tarot cards to wands, candles to spells and of course, Crystals. Ever since that day, it has remained a cherished part of my life—a beacon of light and love. This gentle pink stone isn't just stunning; it carries profound energies that can transform. Working with Rose Quartz can d

The Rose Garden

 Todays collective card carries such an important message for so many people right now, this card is reminding you that you are human and being a human does not include being perfect doing perfect and living a life of perfection. We can get so caught up in the perfect lives of social influencers and celebrities that we too can often strive to follow but, you must remember that these “perfect captions” are snippets of happy blissful little moments, that is not real life it is a “caption” of a few moments in 24 hours. We are reminded today that being human does not equate to being perfect, we are all here to unlearn, relearn and learn our way through life and sometimes that will look like dark days, frustrations, annoyances and outbursts of anger even but this is not a bad thing this is normal life, this imperfect day to day is what is real. Living life in the real world can sometimes make us feel judgemental towards ourselves, we can feel guilty about not progressing quick enough or eve

Working with Tourmaline

 I love working with crystals, I have worked with them for many years now and I never tire of their magical qualities.  I remember getting my very first crystal, it was a beautiful Rose Quartz from a lovely little witchy cottage shop in Cornwall, I was around 9/10 years old and I remember even back then, stepping into that homely comforting shop full of crystals, cards and wands and the smell of lavender incense tickling my nose, I knew I was “home” many people would not dare enter these places others think what a pile of tat for me it was Aladdin’s cave, I found treasure and my body vibrated to higher realms.  I like to think I have some knowledge with crystals I own a lot ( I won’t actually own up to how many in case my partner so happens to stumble upon my posts here haha) but as I say I ace worked with many crystals in my time and love sharing my wisdoms on them.  Today with my very beautiful crystal oracle deck I asked for a collective message, as of right now I know there is a hu

Flower moon May

May 23rd, the flower moon , The names for the full moons originate from the native Americans, The Native American people are very in-tune with the Earth and the divine "The Great Spirit" I truly love them and have always been fascinated by the wisdom they carry. Todays full moon is called The flower moon,  The feminine energy is beautifully strong tonight so get your candles ready. Where did this moons name come from? It was called the flower moon due to the season now approaching the next season of Sun and warmth bringing the flowers into full bloom, so what you Have sown will now begin to bare its fruits, The seeds have been sown watered and nurtured the buds have been waiting and now they can blossom into their full potential, what they were born to do they can now be,  Flowers trust in the process, they have no idea what the next stage in their flowering is but  they know that what they do next is what they were made for, through all the transformations of the flower itse

The Holy Grail - The Rose

 What an amazing week it’s been and as we draw on to the weekend I’m excited, I have had a very strong feeling about this year for 3 years, 2024 was to be the year of revelations for me personally, I was going to discover many things and have a breakthrough I always knew that’s what 2024 would bring, as we approach the half way through the year marker it really has not disappointed, The card I have drawn today is one that I know many people will take from, the message is beautiful, it reminds us and also teaches us. The Holy Grail The Holy Grail is questioned and has been questioned throughout history, I was always confused by it as a child learning Religious studies because so many ideas and beliefs of what or even who The Holy Grail is was told to us, a theory suggested is The Holy Grail was Mother Mary herself, some truly believe it to be a book, others believe it is the chalice Jesus drank from at his last supper and some say it is the chalice that held his blood that was buried wi