
Taking the risk to success

 Today has been an amazing day filled with positive energy, there has been a feeling in the air for me today that I couldn't ignore, after some deep meditation I was pulled to my cards to do a collective reading, I feel that these readings will always get to the people they need to get to, I trust the right people will come and see what they need and so today here's your message from my very beautifully illustrated deck. Today as you can see two cards were drawn together and the message it brings is a huge positive reminder for anyone that has been thinking about the "next step" that could be a new business idea maybe or a trip somewhere, moving abroad? House move or just the next step in your life right now that may feel scary to step into because you “have no plan”  what ever it maybe here is what your cards are saying today... Taking Risks & Success You are asked to begin listening to your own inner voice instead of listening to others around you, you are being

Daily card- Nourish

 I was gifted a very beautiful deck of cards that I couldn't wait to work with, the artwork is so colourful and I love that the pictures really give the message. After cleansing the deck and going through them to input my energy to them I left them to charge with some clear Quartz Crystal in the sun and then after a mini reading for myself to get familiar I asked for a collective message and here's what came through.      Nourish- you can see the card is beautifully illustrated, the message is clear and Simple .  We see a pile of books with a chalice on the top with water flowing out of it, juicy plump fruit, seeds and berries surround with a beautiful Rose blooming, what we are being shown here is simple but holds a strong message, one that reminds us to pour into ourself, a message to "look after ourself" and be our healthiest and healthy meaning mind as well as body and soul too. Imagine your self as the flowing water, the fresh fruits and the blooming Rose all bei

Daily card - White Buffalo Prophecy

Todays card for a collective message is a beautiful one, the card today comes after a few reference's I have been shown today! This morning I came across a little passage that show's a white buffalo has been born very recently on Native American land, The buffalo is sacred to many native people as the buffalo provided meat to feed the people, the furs were used for clothing and even the bones and horns would all be used for making weapons leaving no waste so the buffalo to the native Americans is of high importance and they have a great respect for such a powerful animal that is sacrificed for the people to be able to survive. The Lakota clan believe that the prophecy of “the ending of a cycle will be bringing New hope, new beginnings and better times ahead would come” when a white buffalo was born, It is believed that peace and harmony would be restored, situations that have been difficult conflicts that have been ongoing are able to now to reach a harmonious and peaceful Reso

Release the negative to find your peace.

I done a lovely session today with my very much loved and respected oracle deck - positivism to gain some insight for some lovely people today. Whilst Reading their cards I pulled a card for the collective too. I Know this message is for a lot of people and whilst its a "common" message their are still so many people that are living life day to day un healed from negative thoughts and beliefs they see themself as and that saddens me. Take a look at todays card and discover the message from my spirit team and let me help You on the right path of loving and respecting yourself.                            “I release negative thoughts about myself and my life” I have been reading tarot and oracle now for lets say some years and not only do I take the message of the card I also tune in to feelings I have with the card I look at the art work on them too I may sometimes hear things when pulling cards, some times I see images and I like to look around to see what's around me at t

Tarot card Message

Tarot cards are feared by many, but when you learn how to use them they are a beautiful tool to aid in our life. They can help clear up situations, provide messages allow healing give guidance, I have always loved the Tarot right from being very young I was always drawn into the “mystical” world of Tarot, crystals and spirit side.  I drew a card today, a card to give a message to anyone that may need it, take a look  The 6 of pentacles or coins as some would refer to them as.  This is a beautiful message, we are being asked to remember our riches being able to share with others that are in need is a blessing.  Many assume straight away this relates to money, but it’s not, our time, love, friendship and wisdom are all things we can give to someone else in need, sometimes we are just the ear to listen and the shoulder to lean on.  We must also acknowledge ourself here, remind ourself that some days we have more to give than others, if you are materialistic and own a lot of “things” we ar

Oracle card reading.

 As of today September 7th 2023 I decided to publish my readings, some may know I am pretty much a sage burning crystal loving tarot reading chill girl that has been embracing my true self for some time now and I feel its time to share my gifts. I read oracle and tarot cards i feel, see and hear things some find it odd I embrace it. I will go into detail in another post that will be up soon about the difference between Oracle and The Tarot but for now, let’s just think of the Oracle as the Tarots cousin. Today i felt the energies were strong and read some cards, I trust the universe will bring the right people to this page and this page will find the right people. An over whelming feeling today of complete feminine energy and as i drew the cards what i was feeling came through. Card 1 Cosmic womb - The Devine Feminine This is showing someone that is really stepping into their power, (i get finding themself again)  releasing all the old ways you got stuck in, all the worries you may hav

September, are we ready?

 Are we ready for September it seems to have come around pretty quick!  I for one am ready to see the leaves turn orange, the sun settle to give the most amazing pretty sunsets filling the sky with all colours of the rainbow, settling down with a hot drink cozied up in a cardigan whilst the fire glows red and the darker nights sweep in, the street lights start to light up earlier, there are flickers of lights of peoples houses from candles glowing in the windows, the streets grow quieter and my heart is more full than the rest of the year. I am ready!  but first, let me just soak in the sun because this summer has been a wash out! I was wearing Jumpers in July! It was non stop rain and floods every where, damp cold miserable, usually I don’t mind but the seasons need to start behaving and acting their season, so as of September 22 which is when we can really settle down into the earthy smells of Autumn I’m just holding onto this little bit of summer. The Autumn decor is usually out and