Working with Tourmaline

 I love working with crystals, I have worked with them for many years now and I never tire of their magical qualities. 

I remember getting my very first crystal, it was a beautiful Rose Quartz from a lovely little witchy cottage shop in Cornwall, I was around 9/10 years old and I remember even back then, stepping into that homely comforting shop full of crystals, cards and wands and the smell of lavender incense tickling my nose, I knew I was “home” many people would not dare enter these places others think what a pile of tat for me it was Aladdin’s cave, I found treasure and my body vibrated to higher realms. 

I like to think I have some knowledge with crystals I own a lot ( I won’t actually own up to how many in case my partner so happens to stumble upon my posts here haha) but as I say I ace worked with many crystals in my time and love sharing my wisdoms on them. 

Today with my very beautiful crystal oracle deck I asked for a collective message, as of right now I know there is a huge energy shift with many people awakening to their spiritual path and many others having a second third or more reawakening, where ever you are on your journey at some point you will encounter shadow work! 

What is shadow work?

I am not one to sugar coat things so I will just come out and say it, shadow work is hard!

You will experience all kinds of unhealed trauma coming to the surface, you may feel depressed very low “in a dark place” you may feel like you’re going nuts! After that initial awakening of love and light, rainbows and butterflies, doing your shadow work is like a punch to the stomach, But in saying that it is the most liberating and freeing experiences too, when you commit to doing your deeper inner work you have a chance to really truly heal, you don’t just put a plaster over the cracks you will actually fill in the voids and have an even deeper relationship with your self and when I say you will unearth many things there some things you will have forgotten for years believe me it all comes out but here’s what I want you to take from this…

When these unhealed traumas come out, you can begin to unpick and understand why you have done things the way you have been doing them, you will understand why your reactions to things are what they are, you will know what your triggers are and that’s an amazing place to be because here is where you can rebirth yourself, you can go from strength to strength and shine ever brighter. 

By understanding all of these things you can begin to transform into that beautiful butterfly, light always comes with darkness, yin and yang, hot and cold one always comes with the other, it is balance this is the way of the earthly world, so do not shy away from this deep inner work embrace it, if there are things you are ashamed if embrace it, look at what you have done and see past the action look to the cause look to the deeper lying cause of what caused that reaction… when you know that you have learnt, you know now how to differently engage should this happen again pass on your knowledge and wisdoms to others that may experience similar.

Shadow work is not something to be scared of but more an opportunity to fix and mend, learn understand and progress with, and as you may have a guessed I have a crystal for you should you want to use it to help with your deeper inner knowings or if you just want a grounding stone full of powerful protection qualities, 

May I present to you…. 


A stone I always avoided in my younger years fearing its black coal like appearance

I have always been sensitive to energies so when picking up tourmaline I felt a strong energy from it, sometimes so strong I would never buy it, it used to not scare but overwhelm me, it wasn’t until years later I truly understood the amazing magical and spiritual properties of this beautiful stone. 
Tourmaline has a very strong grounding energy so it’s fantastic for empathy and spiritually in tune people that want a strong protective barrier around them, this stone will actually absorb negative energies and transmute them to positive light energy protecting its owner from spiritual attacks, it’s a transformative stone helping to regenerate the wearer whilst going through changes in life so is it any wonder this stone is magnificent for people that are looking to do their shadow work!
Not only will it help to protect you but will help and aid in your transformative work helping you to face your darker self to help to bring it all to light energy. 

You can use Tourmaline as they are in their natural raw state which is my favourite way, you can use it with herb bundles and place them by doorways to repel negative energies from entering, some people like to wear Tourmaline necklace or bracelets, it can break easily though so keep this in mind when working with this stone. 

Todays collective card brings Tourmaline and shadow work together, so if it’s something you haven’t yet done, or you think you may be going through your shadow work right now please do look into using this crystal to aid in your work, if you are looking for a powerfully protective stone to carry and work with again highly recommend. 

Feel free to come and join Instagram for more daily cards, affirmations, spiritual guidance and moon magic. 

H. x


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